Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

He was the 30th employee at Facebook when it started up. He was directly involved in the creation of the Facebook advertising platform. And he is almost certainly a multi-millionaire. He is the founder of AppSumo, Sumo, and King Sumo and a leading light in the business world dispensing advice for startups and entrepreneurs. His… Continue reading Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

Growing Old

It’s my birthday this week and I have been thinking about growing old, and what it means. I think I have come to the conclusion that growing old is when you do not want to learn new things. Growing old is when you do not want to make YouTube videos. Growing old is when you… Continue reading Growing Old

The Level of Folly Attained

The Law Society sends out, by email, a newsletter containing summaries of “Recent Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court reserved written judgments”. I always try to scan through the decisions which cover a wide range of topics ranging from disputes about wills to personal injury claims to prisoners claiming infringement of human rights… Continue reading The Level of Folly Attained

Brown Bread

I received a gift of a new Neven Maguire book at Christmas, “Neven Maguire’s Home Economics for Life: The 50 Recipes You Need to Learn” and took it as a hint that I was to finally get my act together in the kitchen. And so with prodigious enthusiasm, not to mention a tremendous and violent… Continue reading Brown Bread

How to Succeed Every Time

“Succeeding every time” may strike you as an ambitious, unrealistic aim but I can assure you it’s not if you choose how you measure success. Let me explain. If you measure success by the outcome or goal you cannot succeed every time. If you measure success, however, by how well you attend to the process… Continue reading How to Succeed Every Time

“Employment Law in Ireland”-Kindle Countdown Price Promotion Starts Today

I have a Kindle countdown deal price promotion starting this morning at 8 am. Every 6 months Amazon will allow you to do a “countdown deal” to promote your book(s) on Amazon. This countdown deal is a time limited price promotion. My deal starts this morning on my book, “Employment Law in Ireland: The Essentials… Continue reading “Employment Law in Ireland”-Kindle Countdown Price Promotion Starts Today

Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

Every weekend I try, and generally succeed, in creating at least 2 new pieces of content. This weekend, for example, I published a video on YouTube, “Reading Between the Lines at an Employment Hearing” and published a blog post “Part Time Bus Driver Wins Reinstatement and Full Salary Retrospection”. Content marketing This is the central… Continue reading Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

I meet people every day of the week who claim to be, or are, suffering from stress and anxiety. Much, but not all, of the stress arises from their workplace. I have a philosophy which helps me deal with stress and worry and anxiety and it involves the acceptance of what I believe are 3… Continue reading How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

I’m Not for Everyone

If you are the man who rang four times in an hour to speak to me for “10 minutes” about whether you have a case or not, having been told you need to arrange a consultation, I’m not for you. If you are the woman who “is nervous about paying for legal advice unless I… Continue reading I’m Not for Everyone

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