The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform

I have written before about the stunning effectiveness of YouTube and Facebook advertising, provided it is done correctly. There is a tremendous danger, however, in putting all your eggs in one basket. Recently I met a young woman whose entire business-surprisingly successful-was based on the popularity of her Facebook page and Facebook advertising. When she… Continue reading The Danger of Overreliance on 1 Online Platform

20 Years’ Experience or 1 Year Repeated 20 Times?

When you are considering getting expert advice from a consultant or other professional, and you are concerned about their claims of relevant experience, ask yourself whether they have one year’s experience repeated multiple times. Or whether they genuinely got 20 years of varied, wide-ranging experience in the sphere of activity that concerns you. This is… Continue reading 20 Years’ Experience or 1 Year Repeated 20 Times?

Fake Law and Pseudo Lawyers-Giving False Hope and Increasing Costs

One of the most frustrating types of person I have met since the great Irish property crash in 2007 is the person struggling with debts who will clutch at any straw to believe there is a simple solution. And there has been a significant number of individuals who are happy to peddle a concoction of… Continue reading Fake Law and Pseudo Lawyers-Giving False Hope and Increasing Costs

My Origin Story

I found the photographs this week, worried I had lost one in particular. Turns out I had put it away so safely I could not find it. Anyway, here it is. On the back it says “Feb ‘87, started trading in December, ‘86, sold in February ‘89, bought Navan July ‘89” This is where my… Continue reading My Origin Story

Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

He was the 30th employee at Facebook when it started up. He was directly involved in the creation of the Facebook advertising platform. And he is almost certainly a multi-millionaire. He is the founder of AppSumo, Sumo, and King Sumo and a leading light in the business world dispensing advice for startups and entrepreneurs. His… Continue reading Employee #30 at Facebook, Facebook Advertising, and Email Subscribers for $.34

Growing Old

It’s my birthday this week and I have been thinking about growing old, and what it means. I think I have come to the conclusion that growing old is when you do not want to learn new things. Growing old is when you do not want to make YouTube videos. Growing old is when you… Continue reading Growing Old

The Level of Folly Attained

The Law Society sends out, by email, a newsletter containing summaries of “Recent Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court reserved written judgments”. I always try to scan through the decisions which cover a wide range of topics ranging from disputes about wills to personal injury claims to prisoners claiming infringement of human rights… Continue reading The Level of Folly Attained

Brown Bread

I received a gift of a new Neven Maguire book at Christmas, “Neven Maguire’s Home Economics for Life: The 50 Recipes You Need to Learn” and took it as a hint that I was to finally get my act together in the kitchen. And so with prodigious enthusiasm, not to mention a tremendous and violent… Continue reading Brown Bread

How to Succeed Every Time

“Succeeding every time” may strike you as an ambitious, unrealistic aim but I can assure you it’s not if you choose how you measure success. Let me explain. If you measure success by the outcome or goal you cannot succeed every time. If you measure success, however, by how well you attend to the process… Continue reading How to Succeed Every Time