Sometimes I toy with the idea of writing a novel. I have written a number of non-fiction books but wonder if I would be able to write a fiction book. If I could write one it would open up a whole new world of writing for me. Often, I am discouraged and say ‘you could… Continue reading Perhaps I can write a novel
Category: Writing
Autotelic-art for art’s sake
I discovered a new word yesterday. “Autotelic”. It means having a purpose in and not apart from itself. It is an adjective. “Autotelism” is the noun. So, you might say something provides an autotelic experience. In other words, doing something for the sake of doing it, not in anticipation of any specific outcome such as… Continue reading Autotelic-art for art’s sake
Charles Bukowski-a gateway drug back to poetry
I came across Charles Bukowski for the first time on YouTube, I think. Short videos, most less than two minutes long, with haunting music behind a narration of one of his poems. Bukowski came to the United States from Germany with his family when he was a child. He had a rough childhood with a… Continue reading Charles Bukowski-a gateway drug back to poetry
Blogging every day for 12 months-how it’s going
I made a commitment back on 31st January 2022 that I was going to blog every day for 12 months. This blogging was to be done on this website and was entirely separate from blog posts that I might write for my law based websites such as or It was to be entirely… Continue reading Blogging every day for 12 months-how it’s going
Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions
I organise my working day in a regimented, structured fashion. It suits me and my personality. It also suits my profession. In the legal profession being able to manage yourself, your time, your files, calendar is an essential prerequisite. I use the Pomodoro technique to help me with my time allocation. This essentially means that… Continue reading Reordering and prioritising my Pomodoro work sessions
Lil Baby and Lil Durk-is comparison with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky that far-fetched?
I listen to a lot of rap music nowadays, and have done for the last few years. I particularly like the grimy, trap type stuff from guys who have transitioned from selling drugs to selling rap records/downloads. One of the things I love about this type of music from guys like Polo G, Lil Baby,… Continue reading Lil Baby and Lil Durk-is comparison with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky that far-fetched?
One of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s favourite words?What does it mean?
I am listening to “The Brothers Karamazov” at the moment and there is a word that pops up in the novel with a great deal of frequency. It is a word that you will not hear much nowadays in normal, everyday conversation. In fact, you may not come across it at all. The word is… Continue reading One of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s favourite words?What does it mean?
Writing notes by hand versus keyboard-why writing by hand is better
Studies have found that writing notes by hand, if you are listening to a lecture for example, is better than taking notes by using a keyboard on your laptop. The reason for this is simple. As you are listening to the speaker you need, if you are writing by hand, to understand what the person… Continue reading Writing notes by hand versus keyboard-why writing by hand is better
Conversational writing-how to write conversationally
If you are looking to write online for your business or your brand or any other reason you will need to avail of conversational writing. How do you do that? Write your first draft as if you are speaking to a friend. Don’t worry about punctuation. Write down what you would say. Short sentences. Short,… Continue reading Conversational writing-how to write conversationally
Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed
I have been a firm believer for a long time now in the idea that “writing is thinking”. And now that I have stumbled upon the Zettelaksten method of knowledge management I note that a central principle of this system is the idea that writing is thinking, and the writing of your own permanent notes… Continue reading Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed