Broadford, Kildare, November 2021

I took a few photos this morning and want to publish them on one of my own web properties for posterity. I made my brown loaf, using Neven Maguire’s recipe, and a simple white loaf with poppy seeds on top. This bread is simple but delicious and is easy to bake. Homemade pizza night I… Continue reading Broadford, Kildare, November 2021

Advice for whingers

Whingers. This is a group of individuals that I find most tedious, boring, nauseating, and downright annoying. And with the growth of social media they now have bigger loudspeakers and a tremendous range of opportunities to share their destructive, nihilistic worldview on the rest of us. No matter what the issue, no matter how things… Continue reading Advice for whingers

3 million deaths from Covid but no increase in suicide rate-but the deniers will hardly care

I don’t suppose the Covid/anti mask/anti vaccine deniers will be influenced by the global death toll from coronavirus reaching three million on Saturday. Yes, three million, as reported by the Johns Hopkins University in the United States. It was ‘only’ two million in January 2021. And it is thought the number could be higher on… Continue reading 3 million deaths from Covid but no increase in suicide rate-but the deniers will hardly care

My YouTube comments publishing dilemma-publish everything or censor?

I never expected my YouTube channel would give me a glimpse into a particular type of world: the world of conspiracies, misinformation, disinformation, far right activity, straightforward lies, delusion, and more. But that is what has happened. I see it in the comments section of certain videos which appear to attract commenters with a degree… Continue reading My YouTube comments publishing dilemma-publish everything or censor?

Conspiracies and parallel worlds, alternative facts and opinions-wishing facts into existence is a serious problem now

Do you know someone, a friend or family member perhaps, who appears to be occupying a parallel universe when it comes to conspiracy theories generally, and covid-19 conspiracies in particular? The Ryan Tubridy radio show received an email from an individual last week telling Ryan of a family member who sees conspiracy everywhere. The writer… Continue reading Conspiracies and parallel worlds, alternative facts and opinions-wishing facts into existence is a serious problem now

Misinformation, masks, and conspiracy theories

Misinformation is rampant today, especially around the Covid 19 pandemic. And it poses a problem for our society, although it is impossible to quantify the magnitude of the problem. The wide range of social media platforms makes it easy to disseminate misinformation, conspiracy theories, hate filled views, and downright lies. To what extent the people… Continue reading Misinformation, masks, and conspiracy theories

Coronavirus/COVID-19-the Debilitating Impact on Our Ordinary, Boring Lives

It all started with the cancellation of the Ryanair flights. We had a weekend away in Venice booked and paid for and I was looking forward to it with great enthusiasm. That went by the wayside with the worsening COVID-19 situation. Then the other realisations kicked in and began to bite in our everyday lives.… Continue reading Coronavirus/COVID-19-the Debilitating Impact on Our Ordinary, Boring Lives