A caller to the office this week was looking for the price of a one page lease. We told him we would not do such a thing. A lease needs to be as long as it needs to be to include the necessary terms and conditions between the parties. These terms and conditions may be… Continue reading Turning down work
Category: Small Business
The theory and practice of people management
I have been managing people since 1986. And before then I studied people management, behavioural science, and all that good stuff when I did a B. Commerce degree in University College Dublin. I quickly learned about the chasm between the theory and practice of managing people. And I continue, forty years later, to recognise and… Continue reading The theory and practice of people management
The human connection in getting your way
I have agreed to do my first CPD session later in the year and there is nothing in it for me. I thought long and hard about doing it because it appears pointless from my perspective. The audience is not my audience. And I rarely fish where the fish are not. But I am doing… Continue reading The human connection in getting your way
I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert
I ended up shouting at the podcast episode I was listening to on my morning cycle over around Kinnegad, Clogherinkoe and back home. The so-called expert, Mark Schaeffer, on the Social Media Marketing Podcast was talking about Social Media Marketing nowadays and how much it has changed over the last 10 or 20 years. He… Continue reading I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert
Trying different things and finding winners
I’m never really surprised when I discover, purely accidentally, that something works and is popular with readers of my blogs or viewers of my videos. That’s because I try so many different things, and experiment with formats. Recently I have begun to make some videos down the canal bank in Enfield or at the railway… Continue reading Trying different things and finding winners
Delegating is easy until..
Delegating is easy until you have an important task to accomplish. Then, the temptation is to step in and take over. To make sure it is done right. But this is a mistake. And is not delegating. So, I have to trust and let her get on with it. It’s still not easy, though. But… Continue reading Delegating is easy until..
Starting your own business
I am regularly contacted by individuals who are starting up their own business or have already started. And it is obvious to me that they will fail. They are asking the wrong questions or are underfinanced or are unable to see the things about which they cannot cut corners. The simply cannot discern and discriminate… Continue reading Starting your own business
The last of the newsagents
I read a story in the paper this morning about the newsagents in Monkstown-Hewett’s- closing its doors after 75 years. I am not surprised, although I am saddened. What is surprising is that there are any newsagents left. When I started out in business first in 1986 a good newsagents, ideally located in a shopping… Continue reading The last of the newsagents
Coworking space and shared offices-have you any experience?
If you know anything about coworking space I would love to hear your thoughts and experience, especially if you were involved in the provision of coworking space, shared desks, hot desks, meeting rooms. With the growth of hybrid working and so many people now having the opportunity to work from home for so many days… Continue reading Coworking space and shared offices-have you any experience?
Day trading foreign exchange
I am carrying out a little experiment at the moment. I am day trading foreign exchange currencies. I have previously traded with pretend money and the results were quite good, but inconclusive. Now I am trading with a small sum of real money, to see if I can make it pay. So far, so good.… Continue reading Day trading foreign exchange