Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

The more successful you are on social media the more negative comments are directed at you. Initially it is a bit of a shock, especially if you have never stuck your head above the parapet before. But you do get used to it and you see them as simply good indicators that what you are… Continue reading Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

The new style of vlogging?

I checked out a few YouTube channels yesterday which had been suggested in another video I watched as illustrative of the new style of vlogging which is all the rage on YouTube in 2024, and by inference, in 2025. It is a style of vlogging with very little editing and features one individual speaking to… Continue reading The new style of vlogging?

Reminder to me about short, vertical videos

This blog post is a reminder to me to tap into the power of short, vertical videos in 2025. The power of such videos, for certain tasks and in particular circumstances, is immense. For example, on 25th December 2024 I published a short video which took a few minutes to make an upload to a… Continue reading Reminder to me about short, vertical videos

Daily blogging-is it worth it in 2025?

I must consider, from time to time, whether my time spent writing on this blog is a good use of my time. Things have changed quite a good deal from a few short years ago when the written word online still had some power. Now, effective online marketing is all about video. Therefore, if one… Continue reading Daily blogging-is it worth it in 2025?

The underrated value of communication

I have learned over the years about the value of communication and the ability to communicate well with whoever you are seeking to reach. With every year that passes I am even more convinced about the value of communication skills, especially in my profession as a solicitor. One of the constant criticisms I read and… Continue reading The underrated value of communication

Ad revenue from YouTube-worth chasing?

The significant revenue increase on my YouTube channel from my videos covering the Conor McGregor trial have been an eye opener. I never saw YouTube as being of any significance from an ad revenue perspective. But I have to reconsider the situation now and think about whether I want to make videos for ad revenue… Continue reading Ad revenue from YouTube-worth chasing?

The Conor McGregor trial and a change in marketing strategy

The viewing figures and engagement on my videos covering the Conor McGregor trial have been so strong that I will have to consider whether a change in direction with my YouTube channel is justified. The appetite for information and discussion about a high-profile case like this opens up a significant opportunity to use this type… Continue reading The Conor McGregor trial and a change in marketing strategy

The comments online about the Nikita Hand/Conor McGregor case

Some of the comments on my YouTube channel in relation to the Conor McGregor case have been shocking. What surprises me, however, is that a good number of the appalling comments are from women. I would have thought that chauvinism and misogyny could explain the appalling, gross, invasive comments from men. But the comments from… Continue reading The comments online about the Nikita Hand/Conor McGregor case