One of the girls in the office-Josephine-suggested not too long ago that I had obsessive compulsive disorder. She said it half-jokingly but like most ‘half joking’ remarks there was probably a grain of truth in the observation.
My daughter, Lisa, is a primary school teacher and we have often discussed autism and ‘being on the spectrum’ and what that means. She has a theory that everyone is on the spectrum, so to speak, and it is just a question of which end of the spectrum you are on.
Regarding my OCD behaviour, however, if the evidence against me arises from regular habit, order, and being organised in certain areas of my life the case against me is compelling.
But in the business I am in-law-being ordered and being a person of regular habit and engaging in standard operating procedures is an asset, I believe.
I have had the occasional insight into how other solicitors’ offices organise their affairs and run their office on a daily basis and I am convinced my ‘OCD’ is a powerful tool in my practice.
For it allows me to reduce workplace stress and pressure and helps me exercise a good deal of control over my work life. There is a lot to be said for organisation, habit, standard operating procedures and being a little OCD.
But, in truth, when you look at the definition of OCD and discover it is concerned with unwanted thoughts perhaps I do not have OCD and I would be doing a disservice to those who are genuine sufferers from OCD to confuse relying on the power of habit and being extremely organised with the mental health condition.
If you suffer, or suspect you suffer from OCD, check out this resource on the HSE website.