Selling websites in Mullingar (flashback)

I had a flashback moment when we passed a little parade of shops in Mullingar. One of the shops was a small bicycle shop.

I had a clear memory of walking into that shop a few years ago with an A5 leaflet/flyer I had spent hours carefully crafting.

I was trying to sell websites to small business owners. I had just recently started my solicitor’s practice and had no idea how it would do. I was afraid of failing.

So, I had this side hustle going. I had built my own websites for my new solicitor’s practice, and I figured the skills and knowledge I had acquired about building websites might bring in some money to keep me going, or as an alternative.

I studied copywriting and persuasive writing and made these little A5 leaflets aimed at small business owners, explaining the benefits of having a website for their business.

Driving past that little bicycle shop last week triggered this memory, and the memory of walking all over Mullingar, Maynooth, Kilcock trying to drum up business for my side hustle. The one I thought I needed, just in case.

I am proud I had the balls to do that. It’s a nice memory now, although difficult at the time.

Entrepreneurs hustle and grind. They do what they have to do.

And the skills they are forced to acquire and learn? They are easily transferable to new or different ventures.

Because everyone is selling something.

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