It’s truly shocking that Trump has acted like an autocrat for his first two weeks in office and his poll rankings have skyrocketed. It has been said that he is ruling like a king because he is too weak to rule like a President. But the poll numbers, people? What do Americans want? I have… Continue reading Trump’s poll numbers
A video essay about Trump that’s worth a look
I watched a great video essay about Trump’s first two weeks in office by a New York Times columnist, Ezra Klein. He explains what Trump’s strategy has been since coming into Presidential office for the second term. It involves flooding the ground with shit, with so much shit that it keeps the opposition and media… Continue reading A video essay about Trump that’s worth a look
The value in daily blogging
Writing a blog post here every day, which is the first piece of work I do each day, forces me to review what has happened to me recently and see if there is something I have noticed or can share with an audience. So, I constantly wracking my mind to see what happened, what is… Continue reading The value in daily blogging
My first no talking, document my life type video
I will be publishing my first long form, no talking, video soon. It will have video footage, music and subtitles. It is a ‘day in the life’ type video and I am interested to see how it is received. I have tried and experimented with many different types of videos on my YouTube channel, but… Continue reading My first no talking, document my life type video
Protecting entrepreneurs from themselves
I have recently given advice to two different would be entrepreneurs. I have significant fears for both of them and the deals they were intending entering into. One of them listened carefully to what I said, agreed with me, and went ahead anyway in a venture that is bound to disappoint. The decision to do… Continue reading Protecting entrepreneurs from themselves
House prices and the logical conclusion of the Davy Stockbrokers report
Even those with the most tenuous understanding of economics should understand what the Davy report on the housing shortage means, especially in relation to house prices. Davy Stockbrokers report estimates that the State will need 93,000 new houses per year to keep up with demand. But in 2024 only 30,000 homes were builit. And the… Continue reading House prices and the logical conclusion of the Davy Stockbrokers report
I deleted the video I made yesterday
I made a video yesterday at lunchtime down the canal bank in Enfield. It was a response video to someone who advised me to make videos about legal matters only, and not to be making videos about the culture in Ireland or other things that might interest me. My response in the video was to… Continue reading I deleted the video I made yesterday
I have a voice (and audience) and will use it
I published a video last week in which I articulated my despair about the culture in Ireland in 2025. And a woman left a message on my YouTube channel advising me to restrict my videos to legal matters. This type of advice and narrow view is something I will fight against until I have no… Continue reading I have a voice (and audience) and will use it
I have relaunched my investing in shares online course
I have relaunched my course about investing in shares. You can check it out here. I believe it is a good introductory course if you are interested in investing in shares and is delivered by online video. There are 21 videos in total covering topics such as how I pick shares, the Davy and DeGiro… Continue reading I have relaunched my investing in shares online course
One of the most important skills of cross examining a lay litigant
One of the most important skills in the cross examination of a witness is the ability to recognise when to press and when to back off. This is especially important in a forum like the WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) where you are likely to encounter lay litigants conducting their own case. You may well be… Continue reading One of the most important skills of cross examining a lay litigant