“Employment Law in Ireland”-Kindle Countdown Price Promotion Starts Today

I have a Kindle countdown deal price promotion starting this morning at 8 am. Every 6 months Amazon will allow you to do a “countdown deal” to promote your book(s) on Amazon. This countdown deal is a time limited price promotion. My deal starts this morning on my book, “Employment Law in Ireland: The Essentials… Continue reading “Employment Law in Ireland”-Kindle Countdown Price Promotion Starts Today

Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

Every weekend I try, and generally succeed, in creating at least 2 new pieces of content. This weekend, for example, I published a video on YouTube, “Reading Between the Lines at an Employment Hearing” and published a blog post “Part Time Bus Driver Wins Reinstatement and Full Salary Retrospection”. Content marketing This is the central… Continue reading Content Marketing-a Simple, Effective Strategy

How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

I meet people every day of the week who claim to be, or are, suffering from stress and anxiety. Much, but not all, of the stress arises from their workplace. I have a philosophy which helps me deal with stress and worry and anxiety and it involves the acceptance of what I believe are 3… Continue reading How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Every Day

I’m Not for Everyone

If you are the man who rang four times in an hour to speak to me for “10 minutes” about whether you have a case or not, having been told you need to arrange a consultation, I’m not for you. If you are the woman who “is nervous about paying for legal advice unless I… Continue reading I’m Not for Everyone

Categorized as Blog, Law

Free Books

If you want to improve your English, while away hours of distraction free entertainment with engaging stories peopled with colorful, unforgettable characters who you will love or hate with a passion, learn about everyday life in the 19th century, understand the class system, observe how society has evolved and changed, learn about human nature and… Continue reading Free Books

Categorized as Books

Building Your Tribe (There’s One for Everyone)

I stumbled across a YouTube channel over the weekend and it proved, if any proof were needed, that there is a market or tribe for almost everyone. The guy was a mature man, I would estimate in his 60s, and the channel started out as a guide to men’s grooming, hair, and so on as… Continue reading Building Your Tribe (There’s One for Everyone)

The Remarkable Power of Video in Bestowing Authority

A lady from Utah or Idaho or Ohio or someplace in the United States emailed me last week. She wanted me to advise her in relation to some difficulty she was encountering with a government or State department in the United States. She had seen me on YouTube and was impressed and decided I was… Continue reading The Remarkable Power of Video in Bestowing Authority