Guarding against trying to do too much on social media sites

It never ceases to amaze me.

I am referring to the failure of small business owners, entrepreneurs, sole traders, sole practitioners, one man or woman bands to tap into the power of social media to grow their business.

But it is easy to fall into a trap at the other end of the scale, too. That is, getting so bound up and so obsessed about exploiting the various social media platforms that you try to do too much and spend too much time on social media marketing activities.

This is something that I need to guard against. I need to focus my energies in an efficient, smart way on the sites that are important for me and my business. These sites are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

TikTok and Twitter are much less important even though I maintain a presence on both. This presence comes about mainly from my use of short form, vertical video.

Once I make one of these I can upload it to YouTube as a short, Instagram as a reel, Snapchat, TikTok and Twitter. My primary focus is on YouTube shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikToks.

Using one piece of content like this, which can be submitted natively to a multitude of sites, is tremendously efficient in terms of time and energy.

But I need to constantly check my urge to spend more time on sites I know are of little importance to my business. And to see to what extent each piece of content can be submitted to more than one site.

This is the definition of efficiency when it comes to making the trade-off between time and energy spent and connected results.

Check out “The Art of Marketing Your Service Based Business

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