A guy told me I was doing TikTok wrong yesterday.
He had, when I looked at his profile, a handful of followers-less than 100.
I have over 40,000 followers on the platform. And get a shed load of queries and business from TikTok.
What he meant, however, is he wanted me to give an opinion and take a side in the Enoch Burke case. Simply reporting the outcome of the various interactions of Burke with the courts was not enough, according to him.
He probably wanted me to ape others who have built their profile on the back of controversial, partisan opinions-for example Russell Brand and others.
What the commenter fails to understand is there is more than one way to “do TikTok”.
You don’t have to take sides or have strong opinions if you simply report the developments in cases or highlight issues and extract the principles or why a determination was made the way it was made.
Many people want to understand what is going on, and what are the issues.
There is no right or wrong way to do TikTok. Or any other platform, for that matter.
Every person and business is unique. You can learn more about marketing online in my book, available on Amazon.