What I’m reading at the moment

At any given time, I am reading two books: one audiobook and one which I read on my Kindle.

I am trying, for the second time, a book which is regarded as a true classic: “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, by Colombian author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

As I say, this is my second time around with this book and I am determined to finish it and form my own opinion. It is regarded as a “masterpiece”, “classic” etc. but it is not the type of book I would normally read.

I have only read approximately 15% at this point so it is too early to give an opinion.

The audiobook I am listening to is “The Comedians” by Graham Greene. I just know I will enjoy this book for I enjoy greatly Greene’s style of writing and none of his many books which I have read have disappointed.

Whenever I am stuck for something to read, or have had a bad experience, I go back to Graham Greene and just know I will enjoy it and smile wryly at his laconic writing and realistic characters.