Mainstream media-13 questions

Mainstream media (MSM) has come in for a lot of criticism over the last few years. Is it justified? Why? We must first consider the alternative(s) and ask a series of questions: When considering the alternative, run through questions 1 to 12 above.

Trusting mainstream media-am I incredibly naïve?

I read a lot of comments on my YouTube channel about the “mainstream media”. How the mainstream media cannot be trusted, they are part of some deep state conspiracy and are pawns in the hands of malign influences such as George Soros, Bill Gates, and others. I have been accused of overreliance on mainstream media.… Continue reading Trusting mainstream media-am I incredibly naïve?

Build your own audience-don’t wait to be picked

I have no doubt that my colleagues who frequently appear in the media-on radio or TV or quoted in the newspapers-are immensely grateful for the exposure. There is no doubt it creates a great deal of credibility around them and their expertise. That cannot do any harm, especially if their target market is likely to… Continue reading Build your own audience-don’t wait to be picked