Wilson’s Hospital v Enoch Burke-is there any equivalence in the conduct of the parties?

A commenter on my YouTube channel last week remarked that the conduct of both parties in the Wilson’s Hospital School dispute with Enoch Burke was poor and neither was more ‘righteous’ than the other. My reply was that there was no equivalence to be found between the conduct of both parties if you have any… Continue reading Wilson’s Hospital v Enoch Burke-is there any equivalence in the conduct of the parties?

I watched this video and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters

I watched a commencement speech yesterday and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters. It was by Emmanuel Faber, a director in Danone, and concerned his relationship with his schizophrenic brother. The speech is about 9 minutes long and the first half is in French, the second in English. Don’t let that put you off.… Continue reading I watched this video and thought of Enoch Burke and his supporters

Covering the Wilson’s Hospital v Enoch Burke case on my YouTube channel

I did not intend making a video for my YouTube channel about each day of the four-day hearing in the High Court between Wilson’s Hospital School and Enoch Burke. But the video I published yesterday covering day 1 of the hearing generated 1100 views and 102 comments in 24 hours. So, I will do another… Continue reading Covering the Wilson’s Hospital v Enoch Burke case on my YouTube channel

Wilson’s Hospital School and Enoch Burke-the substantive issue to be determined by the High Court

The Wilson’s Hospital School and Enoch Burke case opened yesterday in the High Court. It would be easy to think that this was just one more court case or action between Mr Burke and the school at which he was a teacher. But that is not the case at all. This is the substantive case,… Continue reading Wilson’s Hospital School and Enoch Burke-the substantive issue to be determined by the High Court

Enoch Burke’s written request to the Court of Appeal is mind boggling

I find it hard to believe. But Orla O’Donnell, the RTE courts reporter, has reported it so I believe it to be true. She reported yesterday that Enoch Burke wrote to the Court of Appeal asking it to reverse its decision in his appeal case against certain High Court orders. Does he think that the… Continue reading Enoch Burke’s written request to the Court of Appeal is mind boggling

Why you should read the decision of Ms Justice Máire Whelan in the Enoch Burke Court of Appeal case

I wish people would actually read the decision of Ms Justice Máire Whelan in the Court of Appeal case of Wilson’s Hospital School v Enoch Burke. I think a small number would benefit. I say a “small number” because opinions are so strongly held and entrenched by many people that no amount of reading of… Continue reading Why you should read the decision of Ms Justice Máire Whelan in the Enoch Burke Court of Appeal case

Is it a futile hope that people will read the actual decisions in the Enoch Burke Court of Appeal case?

I published a video this week about the Court of Appeal’s rejection of the Enoch Burke appeal of certain High Court orders made against him. (Here it is). Rather than making the video a straightforward opinion piece about my view of the decision I took a close look at the decision of the president of… Continue reading Is it a futile hope that people will read the actual decisions in the Enoch Burke Court of Appeal case?

The price of exploiting trending topics and controversy

When you do your own online/digital marketing as I have done since starting my solicitor’s practice back in 2011 you experiment. You try all types of different things to see which are the most effective, which give the most return for the expenditure of your valuable time. You discover, amongst other things, that it is… Continue reading The price of exploiting trending topics and controversy

The Enoch Burke Appeal and “an exercise in creating soundbites”

There were unprecedented scenes in the Four Courts complex yesterday in the Court of Appeal. The Enoch Burke Court of Appeal decision was being delivered by the three judge Court of Appeal. As the President of the Court of Appeal was reading out his judgment the Martina Burke and Ammi Burke were moved to stand… Continue reading The Enoch Burke Appeal and “an exercise in creating soundbites”