I was thinking the other day that there is a certain nobility and bravery about putting your case, especially if your case is about something which you feel deeply and strongly about.
You are expected to put your case in the hands of a third party and let him/her make a determination, one with which you may not agree.
This is difficult.
When I say “your case” I am referring to anything you feel strongly about and where there are contrasting and contradictory opinions and views.
Your case could also be in a sporting context. There is nothing more hateful than losing to your closest rivals. Nothing better than putting one over on them.
And putting your case could even be in a private capacity where you try your best to beat a personal best.
The nobility is in trying your best, putting your best foot forward and accepting that “this might not work”, “I might not win”.
I was prompted to this thought by Enoch Burke’s failure to turn up for the first three days of his High Court case and test the evidence that was being put on record by the opposing side, the school.
Four witnesses. No cross-examination.