The return of Enoch Burke

I read online with interest about the return of Enoch Burke to Wilson’s Hospital School for the new school year.

The school terminated his employment earlier this year and there has been long running, and expensive, legal proceedings concerning the dispute between the parties.

Burke has one remaining chance to be reinstated in his old job in the school as the appeal within the Department of Education procedure for discipline is still open to him and has not yet been heard.

It has not yet been heard, of course, because Burke got a High Court injunction preventing it going ahead due to the presence of one particular individual on the appeal panel. So that remains to be concluded.

The questions which now arise are questions which face:

  1. The school
  2. The High Court

It will be interesting to see how these questions are dealt with. But my view is that this particular can cannot be kicked down the road for much longer.

Both the school and/or the High Court are obliged now to confront this matter and deal with it, one way or another.