The only way Trump is avoiding a conviction (and jail)

Former President Donald Trump has been federally indicted for the third time, it was announced this morning on the radio. This latest indictment, like the previous two, is not trivial or inconsequential. They are serious crimes, if proven, carrying hefty prison sentences. The only way Trump will avoid conviction and jail is to win the… Continue reading The only way Trump is avoiding a conviction (and jail)

The stunning cynicism of Donald Trump and the so-called culture wars

I came across a video on YouTube last week called “Donald Trump just admitted what the GOP’s anti-trans agenda is all about”. The video shows how Trump, and other politicians, discovered that there are certain hot button topics which will incite and energise voters more than more noble, worthy causes. And if you are cynical… Continue reading The stunning cynicism of Donald Trump and the so-called culture wars

Trump’s arrest and arraignment-the image lingers

Former President of the United States Donald Trump was arrested yesterday and arraigned in respect of thirty odd criminal offences. The criminal charges include misuse of company funds or failing to maintain proper books of account or charges of that nature regarding his companies, and paying hush money to two women with whom he is… Continue reading Trump’s arrest and arraignment-the image lingers

The effects of Trump politics in Irish society

It’s sad and frustrating to see the influence of “Trump politics” in Irish society over the last few years. Perhaps it is my imagination or misconception, but it seems to me, from comments on social media platforms online and protests like those going on in East Wall in Dublin concerning the use of a disused… Continue reading The effects of Trump politics in Irish society

Trump moving closer to a big, orange jumpsuit?

Donald Trump appears to have moved closer to a big-assed orange jumpsuit. The Department of Justice in the United States have appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump’s alleged crimes. And this guy is a career prosecutor who has prosecuted war crimes in Kosovo at The Hague. Trump has immediately sprung into action and has… Continue reading Trump moving closer to a big, orange jumpsuit?

The MAGA meltdown in the midterm elections

It is tremendously heartening to see the failure of Trump endorsed candidates in the midterm elections in the United States. “Victory has many fathers; failure is an orphan” is an apposite truism at this point in time. The fallout and criticism of Trump in the traditional media, social media, and-dare I say it-the Republican Party… Continue reading The MAGA meltdown in the midterm elections

The midterm elections in the United States-an appalling vista looms

The midterm elections are on in the United States next week and they are being labelled as a “fight for democracy” by the Democrats. If you were to listen to the vox pops of Trump and Republican supporters at the various rallies being held around the United States, you would have to agree. The level… Continue reading The midterm elections in the United States-an appalling vista looms

Perplexed by Irish support for anti-democratic narcissist, criminal, Donald Trump

I have watched closely for nearly two years now the work of the January 6 committee and the Department of Justice in the United States in attempting to bring Donald Trump to justice for some of his crimes, most especially his refusal to accept the outcome of the Presidential election race between him and Joe… Continue reading Perplexed by Irish support for anti-democratic narcissist, criminal, Donald Trump