Johnson’s chutzpah and Churchillian determination to keep going

Regardless of what I might think of Boris Johnson I must give him credit for chutzpah and a grim determination to bluster and bold it out and hold on grimly to power for as long as possible. His power has gradually but inexorably ebbed away with a succession of resignations and messages from ministers in… Continue reading Johnson’s chutzpah and Churchillian determination to keep going

Boris Johnson descends into the particular-a consummate communicator and storyteller

When Boris Johnson was released from hospital this week he showed how good a communicator he is by descending into the particulars. What I mean by this is that he did not merely thank the NHS for saving his life and looking after him. No, he went further and identified the two individuals, one from… Continue reading Boris Johnson descends into the particular-a consummate communicator and storyteller