Being wary and mindful of vanity metrics on YouTube

As the votes continue to come in on my poll on YouTube as to the type of content people want to see more of there is a clear pattern developing:

  • Law 57%
  • Small business 16%
  • Vlogs 8%
  • Commentary 18%

I must admit that the figures surprise me. Not the preference for law topics but the small demand for vlogs and a greater interest in commentary than in small business.

But the data is the data, and I will be using it to give me direction for my YouTube channel in 2024 and beyond.

I have a suspicion that if I act on these figures, I will be able to grow my YouTube channel pretty significantly. Whether it is the type of growth, however, that will lead to clients is another thing and something I need to keep in mind.

I am not interested in vanity metrics and subscribers or viewers for the sake of it. I would be happier with a smaller number of both if the quality is better and leads to new business.