Writing a blog post every day and still going

I made a commitment back in January or February 2022 (I think) to write a blog post on this blog every day.

And I have managed to keep that commitment.

It has not always been easy and some of my blog posts are short and not very good. Some have been average and the occasional one has been quite good (in my eyes).

But the key thing is I made a promise to myself and have managed to keep it.

Some days are much easier than others. Many days you will be staring at the screen thinking about something to write.

Other times I can be distracted and away from my normal routine such as being on annual leave and travelling and staying in strange hotel rooms. These are the times it is easiest to slip and miss the deadline.

There are many ways I could make this work better and derive greater personal benefit. But I have not settled on one yet.

For now, I have the flexibility of being able to write what I want. With no pressure, save for the pressure of showing up every day and writing something.