I started the Law Society immigration law last week-2 lessons for the Law Society

I started the Law Society “Certificate in in Immigration Law and Practice” last week.

You have a choice for most of the sessions: attend in person at the Law Society or join by Zoom. I chose to join by Zoom as it eradicated the hassle of driving in to Dublin after work, getting parking and getting home late.

Whilst the material that was delivered was good the actual delivery could be improved significantly for two reasons:

  1. The audio was only average and the room itself appears to lend itself to an echo in the delivery of audio
  2. One of the speakers chose to address all her comments to the people in the room with no regard for the Zoom participants. This led to the disconcerting experience of watching a video in which the speaker was literally standing at the edge of the computer screen and facing at an angle towards the crowd in the room, not those of us who were watching in by Zoom

If you are going to deliver a course partly by Zoom you should always consider the viewer from the perspective of their experience which will involve, at a minimum, the speaker looking into the camera and good audio.

This is video 101.