I published a video recently about my typical working week.
The video sets out the hours I work each week which total at least 60 hours.
A commenter on one of the social media sites asked me who I was doing it for and helpfully told me “you cannot take it with you”.
The answer to “who” I am doing it for is: me. I do the work for me.
Because I like working and like the work I do now, having done all sorts of work throughout a varied, colourful working life.
There is a saying that if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. This is certainly true.
I came across a short video this morning by a guy called Neil Patel who is a top-notch marketer with a large marketing agency in California. He was answering the question as to whether blogging was dead.
He said it wasn’t, provided you were passionate about what you were blogging about.
I watched a video last week of Gary Vaynerchuk speaking at some event or other about video marketing.
His advice to succeed on YouTube and with video marketing generally was to “do you”-that is, the unique you and what you are passionate about.
I watched a video by Casey Neistat about how to vlog.
He set out his thought process and formula and at the end of it all he said the most important thing was that you did not become a poor version of Casey Neistat by copying him.
But you became a true version of you and your unique way of vlogging, taking the best of what you have learned from those who have gone before.
Iterate, and “do you”.
There is a common thread here, you will see.
And doing what you are passionate about means you will never have to think too hard about retiring.