I have written many times in the past about the value and effectiveness of story in marketing a business.
You only need to look at Apple, for example, as company who have sold products in a wide range of industries based on the Apple story and what Apple purports to stand for.
What other company would you allow sell you a wide range of products such as computers and mobile phones and music and small electronic devices without hesitation or quibble on your part?
Not too many, I suggest. And the reason is you buy the Apple story, you buy their values and what they say they stand for.
People love stories. They love to hear stories and have done so for centuries. We are hard wired from birth to tell each other stories.
Back to my business and yours, however, and the power of story.
I recently shared a video on LinkedIn called “My Origin Story” and it has been the video which, of all the videos I have shared, generated the most engagement and comment. You can watch this video here:
This is an excellent example of a story which involves success and failure and trials and tribulations in an ordinary life. This is the type of story that people can relate to easily because we all experience trying and failing and going again in our lives.
This factor of ‘relatability’, however, is the key. When your potential customer or client can relate to you and your story they will find it easier to do business with you.
They identify with you, and your values, and what you stand for. Just like the identification with the values of Apple or Harley Davison or other brands that attract loyal, committed customers.
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- The most powerful tool to persuade (no, it’s not the data)
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In a world where finding a point of differentiation between one supplier and another, between one lawyer or accountant and another, the one with the best story is in pole position to win.
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