I got onto the 115 Mullingar bus last night at the Halfpenny Bridge and handed over my ticket to the driver.
He said, “You’re on TikTok, aren’t’ you?”
I said I was.
He said he had been watching my video that very morning about a great experience I had during the week in Dublin on my way to do my CPD in the Gibson Hotel.
He told me he loved the video and we joked about me making one about him being the friendliest bus driver in Bus Eireann.
He was incredibly friendly, and professional.
But what stunned me was that he recognised me.
I was wearing a woolly hat and a wax jacket, and it was 9.30 pm on a Saturday night on the quays. My video was in my office and with me wearing the usual work suit.
I have written previously about the power of TikTok.
If you are a small business owner you are making a serious mistake by not figuring some way to get onto TikTok with some value for the individuals you seek to serve.
You can learn how I have built my brand online in this book.