The advantage of not having a law background in the law industry

The typical route to becoming a solicitor is something like this.

Study law in college, study law to pass the FE1s and get into the Law Society, become a trainee solicitor in a big practice, qualify, get a job as a solicitor, make partner, perhaps start your own practice.

This was not my route into the law industry.

And it is a huge advantage, I believe.

Because of my different experiences and background, I view the business of developing and running a solicitor’s practice in a different way.

I draw upon my experience as a small business owner and bring what I have learned in other small businesses to bear on my solicitor’s practice.

Because of the wide variety of skills I acquired running a small business in different industries and environments I believe I am better equipped to build and sustain a small solicitor’s practice than those coming from the traditional (sheltered) route.