Telling stories with pictures

I bought a second-hand camera on eBay last week, my first purchase on eBay for a long time.

I was looking for a camera that Sony brought out in 2014 and is probably not available new now in stores, unless you got lucky with old stock.

It is a Sony A6000 mirrorless camera which is extremely highly regarded by photographers as an excellent camera for starter photographers. I am looking forward to putting it into action and, as it is a camera which allows you to change lenses, buying a new lens or two to pursue my interest in photography.

I cannot paint but using a camera allows me to tell stories with images, something I already do in written format with blog posts on my various websites and social media channels.

I have not decided what, if any, area of photography I might focus (pardon the pun) on. But the interchangeable lens feature of this A6000 will give me a wide range of options.

I am also hoping to just improve as a photographer.