Redoing my audiobook “Buying a House in Ireland: A Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”

I have spent the last few days rerecording my book, “Buying a House in Ireland: A Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”.

This book sells well on Audible on audiobook format but I have had an English narrator to date and I believe it would be better if I was reading it myself.

There are a few reasons for this including giving more authenticity to the project and an expectation from putative purchasers that I would be narrating, given my activity on social media channels, in particular YouTube.

I have all the chapters recorded using GarageBand audio programme which comes free on Apple products. Now I just need to upload them to the ACX website and hope that they pass the requirements of ACX before the book is released.

ACX is owned by Amazon and have high standards when it comes to the quality of the audiobook that his being offered on their platform.

So, I think I have the hard part of the project done. Now I am hoping not to run into any problems with ACX.