Advocacy essentials-the best way to advocate for your client

Your job as an advocate at a tribunal, court, or hearing is not to establish the truth. It is to persuade the tribunal on behalf of your client. This will involve revealing evidence in support of your client’s position, and suppressing evidence which is unhelpful. But you need to avoid having a go on behalf… Continue reading Advocacy essentials-the best way to advocate for your client

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Think inside the box-asking good questions and making connections between your notes

When you are making notes for your slip box or Zettelkasten system always be asking good questions and try to make connections with other notes. Try to see what is missing. Business biographies are written by the successful. The entrepreneurs who failed never get to write their book, their story. Can we learn more from… Continue reading Think inside the box-asking good questions and making connections between your notes

Understanding is more important than learning as you want to recognise connections

When you are seeking to exploit the maximum from your Zettelkasten system of knowledge management you need to understand that understanding is more important than learning. Remembering everything you hear is of no benefit to you if you cannot make connections between relevant, meaningful ideas and concepts. These connections allow you to retrieve the information… Continue reading Understanding is more important than learning as you want to recognise connections

Writing notes by hand versus keyboard-why writing by hand is better

Studies have found that writing notes by hand, if you are listening to a lecture for example, is better than taking notes by using a keyboard on your laptop. The reason for this is simple. As you are listening to the speaker you need, if you are writing by hand, to understand what the person… Continue reading Writing notes by hand versus keyboard-why writing by hand is better

Confirmation bias and Zettelkasten

When using Zettelkasten, or any other method or system of knowledge management and note taking, guard against confirmation bias. Don’t arrive at a hypothesis and then look for facts, data or notes to support the conclusion. Look at the notes, make connections, look at disconfirming data and facts before arriving at a conclusion. Disconfirming facts… Continue reading Confirmation bias and Zettelkasten

Paris, Easter 2022

Some photos from the first day of our trip to Paris, Easter 2022. No need to report that Paris is a beautiful city chock full of beautiful, instantly recognisable monuments and a rich, interesting history in the development of Europe as we know it today.

Conversational writing-how to write conversationally 

If you are looking to write online for your business or your brand or any other reason you will need to avail of conversational writing. How do you do that? Write your first draft as if you are speaking to a friend. Don’t worry about punctuation. Write down what you would say. Short sentences. Short,… Continue reading Conversational writing-how to write conversationally 

Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed

I have been a firm believer for a long time now in the idea that “writing is thinking”. And now that I have stumbled upon the Zettelaksten method of knowledge management I note that a central principle of this system is the idea that writing is thinking, and the writing of your own permanent notes… Continue reading Writing is thinking-Zettelkasten confirms what I have always believed