My YouTube poll on facts only versus opinion/commentary

I ran a poll yesterday on my YouTube channel asking people if they wanted my opinion on particular issues or topics or cases about which I make videos.

Or did they just want the facts.

This morning, 86% have indicated that they want the facts and my opinion or my opinion. That is a pretty strong indicator that people want a little more than just the dry reporting on a topic or case, they also want to know what I think.

That’s fair enough and I will probably go down that route when it is appropriate to do so.

But I need to be sure to give the facts first and not throw out the baby with the bathwater and only give commentary/opinion.

And my opinion will not be appropriate in all videos; it will depend on the issue or topic or case at hand.

It will be important that I give both-that is, the facts and background to a case or decision and my opinion.