My holiday project, or one of them for Christmas break in December 2022, is to re-record my property book, “Buying a House in Ireland-a Step by Step Guide by a Builder/Solicitor”.
This book sells well, in all formats including paperback, Kindle, and audiobook. But I have one bugbear with the audiobook: I commissioned a guy in the UK with a good speaking voice to record it for me.
His delivery and diction and pronunciation is excellent. But it’s not me.
I think people would expect me to be narrating the book, especially given the fact that I have no difficulty creating a great deal of videos for my YouTube channel.
I think it would be immensely better if it was me reading the book. I have written it, my voice delivering the book would make far more sense.
Of course, I got the English guy to do the audio for me as it saved me the time needed. I wanted to launch my property book in audio format as soon as possible, which was understandable at the time.
But this Christmas I think I will be able to put the time in and focus on the book for a few hours each day, especially early in the morning when the house is quiet.
I have a good quality microphone-a Blue Yeti-and the garage band software on my Apple Mac.
So, that’s the plan, anyway.