I derive a great deal of satisfaction, and business, from making and publishing videos online.
I have a genuine interest in the filmmaking process and editing and making the videos a little better over time. The fact that they drive an enormous amount of leads and clients is a nice bonus, too.
For this reason, I am thinking of buying a new camera, even though I already have some excellent cameras (all Sony).
I have a Sony a6000, Sony ZV 1 and the first Sony camera I started with, a little Sony WX500.
The best of these cameras is the Sony a 6000 but there is one problem with it: it does not have a fully articulating, flip out screen like the ZV 1 or ZV-E10.
This type of screen for a guy like me who vlogs and does a lot of pieces to camera aka “talking head” videos is essential.
The Sony ZV-E10 also has a few other advantages such as 4K video but the sensor is the same as the a 6000. And it allows me to use interchangeable lenses which I already have for my Sony A 6000.
But the main reason I would buy it is for the pop out screen which is ideal for selfies, vlogging, etc.
Anyway, I think I can justify the purchase given the pleasure and return I get from my cameras, videos and photographs.
At least that is what I tell myself. The stories we tell ourselves are important, too!
P.S. The camera at the top of this page is my Sony a 6000 which I bought second hand on Ebay and which is an excellent camera, especially for photography.
Check out the Sony ZV-E10 on Amazon (affiliate link).