Today is the first day of my daily blog. I have attempted to blog daily in the past and have always failed.
Failed if you consider not continuing failure. But I had reasons for quitting, and they were not just to do with the commitment of blogging daily.
Anyway, I won’t go into that now. Now is not the time for looking back.
I listened to a Seth Godin podcast episode again at the weekend and he made the point that you never have to worry about what to write if you decide that you will have a daily blog.
You will simply write by reason of your commitment to blog on a daily basis.
So, that is what I am going to do.
I cannot promise quality or stunning insights or observations.
I cannot promise long blog posts or medium size or small. I simply don’t know.
I can promise to show up, though. Every day.
If I do I think I will benefit tremendously. Not just from the perspective of the practice of writing and developing a skill but I find writing has significant benefit from a mental health perspective.
Today is the 31st day of January 2022. Let’s see if I can do this, keep my promise (to myself), and show up every day.
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