Finding a good audio solution for motovlogging-why?

I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to find a good audio solution for doing videos or vlogs from my Vespa scooter.

The biggest problems confronting anyone doing “motovlogging” are

  1. The sound of the wind
  2. The sound of whatever motorcycle you are riding

I was out yesterday testing a Sony Lavalier microphone. That is a little mic I can feed into the helmet and which you might usually see on an interviewee on TV with the microphone clipped to their tie or shirt.

The reason I want to have motovlogging as an option in my video marketing armoury is I want to make my YouTube channel so unique that it would be difficult to copy.

Another good reason is to broaden the base of my potential audience and, of course, to show I am a real human with a personality.

I have long been an advocate and proponent of “fascination” in my marketing efforts.

Anyway, I have found a good audio solution so watch out for some videos from the seat of a Vespa scooter as I zip through the North Kildare countryside.

To learn about my online marketing strategy since 2011 or thereabouts, check out this book.