Day 3 of the WRC hearing-is this the best system for employment claims?

It looked like a straightforward unfair dismissal case. But today is the 3rd day of the WRC hearing.

When you quote a person for your services for a WRC claim you do your best to give a competitive quotation. Some work out, some don’t.

When a case goes on for three days, and you commit at the outset to do the work on a fixed fee, you are straying into a minefield of unprofitable work. It is simply not cost effective.

For this reason, I have recently considered my future approach to WRC claims and representation. I will have to seriously consider instructing counsel and getting help. And I have already increased my fee for such work to cover for eventualities such as these.

Funnily enough, one of the biggest factors in how long a case will go on for is the adjudicating officer. Every AO has control of the case they are hearing. And some have a more business-like, focused approach than others.

Put plainly, some adjudicators ensure an efficient hearing with a premium placed on the time available. Some are so intent on ensuring everyone’s voice is heard that it can go on far longer than necessary.

On balance, however, it is probably best that anyone who brings a claim is satisfied that they have had the opportunity to put their case and give their side of the story. This is key to ensure confidence in the system.

That confidence is shaken judging by many of the comments I have seen online from what I can only presume are disappointed claimants.

But the system is a good, fair one. Despite three days for an unfair dismissal claim.

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