Dubrovnik, Crotia

We arrived in Dubrovnik yesterday and we are staying in the old town. Stunning place, very hot (31 C yesterday and today). Looking forward to going on some type of walking tour today and learning about the history of the place, the bombing of the city in 1990/1991, and more. Here are some images:

Trump’s mugshot-a truly iconic image

A cock will crow on his own dunghill. But the majesty of the law will not be set aside. Even in Fulton County, Georgia. For those of us who recognise the Rule of Law and love democracy, this image is truly iconic.

The misconceived, ill-informed nonsense about Ryan Tubridy’s salary

The question of Ryan Tubridy’s pay has been much in the news lately. Much of the commentary has been misconceived and wrongheaded and displays a remarkable ignorance of economics and financial probity. Let’s take two examples which I heard yesterday alone. The first was a woman on the radio with Claire Byrne bemoaning Tubridy’s fat… Continue reading The misconceived, ill-informed nonsense about Ryan Tubridy’s salary

The power of lies, untruths and falsehoods

One of the podcast episodes from the BBC History Magazine podcast I am listening to is entitled “Franco’s Spain: paranoia, conspiracy & antisemitism”. The extent to which Franco went to inspire his generals that communism and Jewry was a threat to Spanish civilization and Catholicism in Spain involved the spinning of lies which have frightening… Continue reading The power of lies, untruths and falsehoods

Protestors in bright green hoodies in the children’s section of your local library

I see regular short videos on Twitter of individuals, usually men, dressed up in bright green hoodies holding children’s’ books aloft in libraires around the country. They appear to be protesting about the content of the books in question and have an opinion about the suitability of these books for their intended end user. Library… Continue reading Protestors in bright green hoodies in the children’s section of your local library

Categorized as Society

Amateur versus professional

I was recently interviewed by a young journalist about a topic that has been much in the news in the last 12 months or so. I was taken aback at the lack of knowledge about the issues demonstrated by the interviewer. Hopefully, one day this individual, if intent on pursuing a career in media, will… Continue reading Amateur versus professional

Categorized as Society

Scratching the surface of history is still valuable

Listening to the BBC History Extra podcast has given me a great insight into many historical topics that I would only have been vaguely acquainted with. Being able to dip into such a wide range of topics over the centuries, from the Byzantine, Greek and Roman empires to the Cuban missile crisis, Hitler and the… Continue reading Scratching the surface of history is still valuable

The real value of history

I am enjoying an excellent BBC podcast at the moment called “History Extra Podcast”. There is a tremendously wide range of historical topics covered and the experts who are interviewed about their particular area of expertise are genuine experts. One thing that strikes me is the degree to which the victor in any conflict gets… Continue reading The real value of history

Revisiting Enfield train station and ghosts in the signal cabin

I went down to Enfield train station yesterday for the first time since I was a child. I remember playing football in the station yard and being down in the signal cabin with Jim McDonnell who was a good friend of my grandfather. Jim was a staunch Kildare GAA supporter and seemed to derive a… Continue reading Revisiting Enfield train station and ghosts in the signal cabin