Career advice: become an advice giver and sell expert services

I published a video on my YouTube channel yesterday entitled “If I was starting property development now..”

A commenter asked me would I go back to building now. And I had no hesitation in telling him that selling expertise and time in small chunks-professional services-is a much easier way to make a living.

For any young person wondering about what path or career to choose there are many factors to consider.

But my opinion, having engaged in quite a few occupations and industries since I became self-employed in 1986, is the provision of professional services by way of some expert advice or information is one of the easisest ways to make a comfortable living.

Not everyone will succeed, and that will be down to the individual him/herself.

As a general proposition, however, there is a tremendous need for the vast majority of any population for expert advice in many different spheres of activity.

This may be in the area of legal, taxation, business, psychiatric, medical, or other activities.

But if you are a young person you should seriously consider becoming one of the advice givers, if it is a path that is open to you.