A surprising trend in YouTube viewing habits

Some top executive in YouTube has made a lot of noise recently about a surprising trend to do with YouTube.

A surprisingly large, and increasing, number of people are watching YouTube videos on their televisions. Not on computers or smart phones or iPad devices but on their home tv.

In fact, nearly half (45% of YouTube consumers watch the videos on their television set.

More than 100 million people in the U.S. now watch YouTube and YouTube TV on a TV screen

Nearly half (45%) of all YouTube viewership takes place on TVs, according to internal figures, up from below 30% in 2020

Most new televisions allow 4 K viewing. So, the lesson for the YouTube creator is to take this into account when making videos.

I can make 4K videos, no problem. But they create large file sizes which will only increase in size with longer, vlog type videos which I like to do from time to time.

So I will have to give this trend some thought and consider whether I should adapt my strategy to shoot everything in 4 K.