I check the analytics for my podcast, The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, on Spotify every morning. (I don’t check iTunes, however).
This morning I noticed I had the highest number of daily plays since I put the podcast on Spotify: 293 plays on 30th October 2023.
This number obviously excludes plays of episodes of the podcast on other platforms such as iTunes. I only check Spotify because it is the easiest to access and to ensure a valid comparison is made each day. The analytics provided on Spotify are quite good, too.
It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to see this number of daily plays and to notice how this podcast is growing. And on Saturday evening in M.J.O’Neills pub in Dublin a guy came over to me and shook my hand and told me he loved my podcast.
You would be less than human if you were not thrilled with little acts like this. And, of course, to see the number of daily plays, and subscribers, steadily rising.
You can check out the podcast on Spotify here.