Coming towards the end of 2021-today is the 17th of December 2021-I intend carrying out an audit of my digital marketing activity. The growth of TikTok and Instagram reels is one reason with a question mark over the effectiveness of Facebook.
What to do with Twitter, and the time I spend lining up Tweets in my Buffer app, will also need to be reviewed. I believe I can make more effective use of Twitter with a bit of thought and consideration, however.
One thing I am thinking about is using tweets as the basis for Instagram Reels and 15 second TikToks.
By lining up the tweets with each one containing one nugget or piece of information my Twitter account will be able to act as a store/inventory of content for the other platforms which produce better returns on time.
Tweets shared as images on my Instagram account also generate plenty of engagement and likes. And an important point I need to consider is my Twitter account ranks extremely high in the search engine results if I search Google for “Terry Gorry”.
Thus, it appears to be a valuable shop window in the search results, regardless of generating clients from the Twitter platform itself. The latter is something that I have long given up on.
I can see podcasting featuring large in my digital marketing efforts in 2022. I want to do with my podcast, The Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, what I have done with my YouTube channel over the last ten years.
I am in it for the long haul and fully intend taking my time and publishing valuable, useful content.
Roll on 2022.