The Burkes and Alan Dillon TD at Tesco, Castlebar on Christmas Eve

The treatment meted out by some of the Burkes of Castlebar on Alan Dillon TD at the Tesco shop in Castlebar on Christmas Eve was an attack on our democracy.

Imagine going to your local shop on Christmas Eve to pick up something that was perhaps overlooked and to be beset by a group of individuals making ridiculous allegations about the appointment of a judge to the Court of Appeal some years ago. An appointment over which you had no control or influence.

And even if Alan Dillon had anything to do with the appointment how is the Burke case going to be advanced by harassing and hassling the local T.D. at Tesco in Castlebar?

Do they think that the decision of the Court of Appeal, of which Justice Máire Whelan is one member, finding nothing wrong with the treatment afforded to Enoch Burke in the courts will be miraculously overturned and marked as some ‘miscarriage of justice’?

Not a hope, it cannot happen.

Enoch Burke has had numerous attempts in the High Court to find something wrong in how Wilson’s Hospital School, his former employer, has treated him.

And he has failed abysmally every single time in front of a number of different judges, not just Ms. Justice Máire Whelan and her colleagues on the Court of Appeal.

The decision of Ms Justice Máire Whelan concurred with the decisions of the President of the Court of Appeal and Mr Justice John Edwards, in any case. Here is the first paragraph of her decision:

I have had the opportunity of reading and considering in draft form the judgments just delivered herein by the President and Mr. Justice Edwards and I entirely concur with their respective reasoning and conclusions. I make the following supplemental observations.

The strategy they have embarked upon from day one in the whole Enoch Burke affair has been hopelessly misguided and misconceived from day one. The sooner they realise this the better.

For all of us.

P.S. Here is the decision of Ms. Justice Máire Whelan.