I have relaunched my course about investing in shares. You can check it out here. I believe it is a good introductory course if you are interested in investing in shares and is delivered by online video. There are 21 videos in total covering topics such as how I pick shares, the Davy and DeGiro… Continue reading I have relaunched my investing in shares online course
Tag: shares investing
Picking shares-being right with only 1 in 4 can still see a healthy return
You do not need to pick winning shares all the time. In fact, you may only pick one winner out of four shares, and you may still see a positive return on your investing. The reason for this is simple. The losses on your losing shares are limited to the amount you have invested. For… Continue reading Picking shares-being right with only 1 in 4 can still see a healthy return
Investing in shares-tweaking my strategy
I have enjoyed extremely lucrative returns from my investment in shares over the last few years. I must go back and see exactly when I started building my latest portfolio, just out of curiosity and to get a good handle on my annual returns. But I am chuffed at the returns I have seen from… Continue reading Investing in shares-tweaking my strategy
My shares investing course
I have launched a shares investing course in the last few weeks. I am happy with it and believe it is a good product if you want to learn about investing in shares for the medium to long term but you are unsure of what type of shares to pick, what is involved in shares… Continue reading My shares investing course
Investing in shares for maximum returns-new investing course
I put the finishing touches to my new online course about investing in shares yesterday. I am delighted with the finished product, and believe in it. So much so that I am giving a 30 day, no questions asked refund, for any purchaser who is not entirely satisfied. I believe it is competitively priced, too,… Continue reading Investing in shares for maximum returns-new investing course
Massive interest in my shares videos
I published a video on my YouTube video earlier this week and it quickly became my top performing video on my channel ‘compared to your typical performance’. The ‘ranking by views’ metric was 1 of 10 and there were 16 comments, all of them positive and many asking for more videos of a similar nature.… Continue reading Massive interest in my shares videos
When should you sell shares?
Since I started investing in shares in a serious way a few years ago I have bought and held virtually all my shares. I made the odd disposal, for example SnapChat at a considerable profit, but I was wondering about what factors should influence my decision to sell my shares, if selling was advisable at… Continue reading When should you sell shares?