Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

The more successful you are on social media the more negative comments are directed at you. Initially it is a bit of a shock, especially if you have never stuck your head above the parapet before. But you do get used to it and you see them as simply good indicators that what you are… Continue reading Negative comments as a good metric of successful messaging

The comments would wear you down

The comments you read online would wear you down. The constant, drip-drip effect of misinformed, ignorant, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist comments would turn your stomach. Sometimes yo wonder about continuing to publish videos on topics outside of a narrow, legal area of law. But narrowing down my focus would not work. Because many of the… Continue reading The comments would wear you down

The effect of negative online comments

I don’t care how many people say they are not affected by online negative comments, I do not believe them. My view is that no matter how hard you try to ignore negative comments and criticism online they do get to you. One way or another. The drip, drip effect, and the unexpected and unpredicted… Continue reading The effect of negative online comments