Putting my videos behind a paywall

I am frequently told by callers to my office that they came across me in their third level course as one (or more) of their lecturers use my YouTube videos as part of their course in some aspect of law.

This has been going on for quite a long time now and it is flattering.

However, sometimes it crosses my mind that these teachers should be using their own teaching materials and not piggybacking on my work. To prevent this I could, I guess, try to prevent the use of my videos without my express consent/permission.

I could also look to cash in on my work by attempting to charge some sort of licence fee and/or putting my materials behind a paywall.

But on balance I have decided that it is far better that these teachers and lecturers are spreading the word about me and my work.

And the impact on the minds of the students in establishing me as a “trusted authority” must have massive benefits for me which will endure for years. Far more valuable benefits than whatever I might charge for access behind a paywall.

So, on balance, I am happy that these teachers “tell the others”.