Private beliefs versus the law of the land

A person commented on my YouTube channel at the weekend looking for me to do a video about a gym instructor who has lost his/her job because they “did not believe in gay marriage”.

I probably will do a video about this topic because it has become a topic with a high profile thanks to Enoch Burke’s dispute with his employer school in Westmeath.

Burke does not agree with gender recognition as set out in the Gender Recognition Act 2015.

This gym instructor does not “believe in gay marriage” despite the approval for such marriages by Irish society in a constitutional referendum in 2015 (the 34th Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland).

The emboldening of private, individual views over the law of the land has become a feature of the Irish landscape over the last few years. Maybe Trump has something to do with it.

But at its heart is a fundamental misunderstanding about having a private belief and recognising and upholding the law of the land.

In other words, the fact that constitutional rights are not unbounded or unfettered. All of them have some qualification to allow for a conflict of your right with the right of another.