I have been agonising about what to do with my Vespa ride footage. This footage is the footage taken from a spin around the parish or a little trip someplace on my Vespa scooter. The big question I must address is whether I should be trying to talk about business or law issues on these… Continue reading My Vespa Vlog videos
Paying for podcast episodes?
I am still considering putting certain of my content behind some type of pay wall and let people choose to access it or not. I have considered YouTube memberships on more than one occasion during the year and have pulled back. But I return again and again to the idea of creating exclusive content on… Continue reading Paying for podcast episodes?
Enoch Burke-where, and how, will this end?
Enoch Burke was released from Mountjoy Prison by the High Court yesterday. He had not purged his contempt. In fact, I am not even sure he was invited, as he usually is, to purge it. But the Judge took the view that Burke’s preference, for whatever reason, was to stay in jail. So he released… Continue reading Enoch Burke-where, and how, will this end?
The underrated value of communication
I have learned over the years about the value of communication and the ability to communicate well with whoever you are seeking to reach. With every year that passes I am even more convinced about the value of communication skills, especially in my profession as a solicitor. One of the constant criticisms I read and… Continue reading The underrated value of communication
Is overexposure even possible on the internet?
I have got my video creation and editing process down efficiently. I can make and edit and publish a video on my YouTube channel in a short period of time. I could probably do one in 10 minutes, start to finish and uploaded to YouTube. A further 10 minutes would allow me to distribute that… Continue reading Is overexposure even possible on the internet?
Sean Burke jailed and the comments
I published a video yesterday about the jailing of Enoch Burke’s father, Sean Burke, for assaulting a woman garda in the Court of Appeal in 2023. Most comments would cause you to despair. For they are full of hatred, irrationality, and demonstrate a singular inability or unwillingness to think rationally. The video is here on… Continue reading Sean Burke jailed and the comments
What I stand for
People often give me well intentioned advice when I do a reply video on TikTok. They tell me that I am wasting my time, that you will never change his/her mind about their point of view. What the well-intentioned commenter fails to understand is I am not making the reply video to change a person’s… Continue reading What I stand for
Mainstream media-13 questions
Mainstream media (MSM) has come in for a lot of criticism over the last few years. Is it justified? Why? We must first consider the alternative(s) and ask a series of questions: When considering the alternative, run through questions 1 to 12 above.
Culture and values in brand building-I can see it now
I can see now how the culture thing, and what you stand for, works in brand building. Apple’s marketing campaigns, especially the early ones, focused on values and culture and what Apple stood for. Not what the product did or how much it cost. But what Apple stood for, and by inference, what Apple stood… Continue reading Culture and values in brand building-I can see it now
3 things I will be looking at for 2025 in my business
This is the time of year when I think about what I might change in my business in the coming year. I am always considering if there is a change or tweak I can make to my operating procedure to improve things incrementally. Over the Christmas period, away from the office, is a good time… Continue reading 3 things I will be looking at for 2025 in my business