One good thing that came from the Covid health crisis

One good thing that arose from the Covid crisis a few years ago was the introduction, and acceptance, of Zoom meetings.

I am not saying it is perfect, by any means.

But the convenience it has brought about has been a huge benefit to many small businesses, especially mine.

I do consultations by Zoom and it has opened up a whole new world for my small solicitor’s practice as it means no matter where a person is located on the island or in the world, I can advise them.

This has been a real game changer and Covid has forced many people who would otherwise have been reluctant to embrace the change to do so.

And it means I regularly have consultation meetings with individuals based in India, Europe and America.

If the potential of  Zoom is exploited fully it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one tool that could equalise the playing pitch for an adroit, nimble small business owner.