Listening to “The Brothers Karamazov” on audiobook

I’ve started listing to “The Brothers Karamazov” yesterday evening after downloading it from Audible.

I was uncertain whether I would get the audiobook or the written version, but I was determined I would read it again. I read it before on my Kindle but did not fully appreciate it or the genius of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

So, I decided I would give it another go and see if I could note what all the acclaim and fuss was about for myself.

I have read and seen some commentary on YouTube to the effect that this book may be one of the best, if not the best, novels ever written. So, I am really looking forward to it and soaking it in.

It is a long book, and I will be running the roads of Broadford for a few months with Dostoevsky’s masterpiece in my ears.

I listen to audio books or podcasts when I am running every day and the fact that I have a good book to listen to when I get home from work in the evening makes the chore of getting out and running for a half hour more tolerable.

In fact, if the book is good enough I look forward to getting out. Anyway, I will probably do some sort of review when I have finished it.

But for now I am just going to savour the pleasure of this 19th century classic. You can check it out yourself on Amazon here.

P.S. The version I am listening to was translated by Constance Garnett. Before Garnett began translating the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky the Russian’s work was largely unknown in the West.

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