It took 26 uploads but was still time well spent

I spent most of yesterday (Sunday) morning uploading audio files to the platform.

The files were the audio version of a little book of mine called “How to Carry Out a Disciplinary Procedure in the Workplace” which I had recorded in about twenty minutes on my lunch break on Friday.

Each file I uploaded was rejected by the Amazon owned ACX platform which allows authors produce and sell their audiobooks on the Audible app. There was some technical reason for the rejection of my files-that the RMS was too low, or something of that nature.

A quick Google search and having viewed a few YouTube videos in the fastest time possible I proceeded to make the changes I believed necessary and uploaded again. In fact, I uploaded 26 times before I hit on the winning technical formula.

It was tremendously frustrating spending all this time-a number of hours-doing the same thing over and over and failing. And eventually succeeding.

But it was still time well spent.

For what I have learned I now keep for the rest of my life. I think it is a good deal, a good ‘quid pro quo’, even though at the time I was ready to quit and get a professional to do the necessary postproduction work to ensure my files being accepted by ACX.

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