Influence and shared objectives-lessons from John Kiely and Jim Gavin

A key factor in the building of influence and being able to persuade others, to lead, is to have shared objectives. This is the team ethic.

Allowing other people to be part of a bigger dream is immensely powerful. You will always hear successful sports people speaking about how being part of the team and having one cause was such an important part of their life.

Ask a member of the Limerick hurling or Dublin football panels. John Kiely and Jim Gavin have been particularly successful in creating this strength from being part of a group with shared objectives.

Allowing others to contribute to the shared goal, the dream, provides enormous motivation for the individual.

Building shared objectives involves

  1. Asking the others what they want
  2. What needs to change for them in 3 years’ time? What would they like to have achieved?
  3. To feel personally and professionally fulfilled?

Creating shared objectives allows a leader to build influence and trust. Do Limerick panel members trust John Kiely?

Were the Dubs influenced by and trust Jim Gavin?